Adding in some meditation to your weekly exercise regime is a great idea for us all – and a new book is here to help you on your journey.
Charla Devereux, a writer and lecturer on complementary health and pioneer of the use of essential oils for healing, has penned Your Meditation Journey, featuring more than 30 exercises and visualisations to guide you on the path to inner peace and self-discovery.
The book is an easy to follow, yet in-depth guide, telling you everything you need to know to get started. Covering the basics of posture, breathing and other practical considerations to guided visualisations, single-point meditation and the power of light, sound and silence, the exercises and techniques included will help you develop your skills and use meditation to enhance your daily life.
Regular meditation produces a controlled, balanced mind that is good not only for physical and mental wellbeing and effective functioning in daily life, but also for personal spiritual growth.
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