Age need not be a barrier to being fit and active, according to leading experts. In fact, DW Fitness First is keen to show that you can get stronger as you get older, and so has offered its advice on how you can stay fit, not to mention reduce your risk of age-related decline. The gym explains that certain factors ...
Give your house a spring clean and cut your chemical load with our guide to an eco-friendly home. We fill our homes with so many chemicals on a routine basis, sometimes unintentionally, and these can be no good for our health nor for the environment. Whether it’s a cleaning product that contains chemicals linked to health concerns, or a laundry ...
Introducing Good Health Naturally’s new product packaging range – healthy for you and the planet. As the world becomes ever more conscious of its eco-footprint, it’s the responsibility of companies to play their part by reducing their use of plastic packaging. In 2020, Good Health Naturally has made an environmental pledge to only use glass, aluminium and bio-based recyclable plastic ...
We are bombarded with advice these days, whether from our nearest and dearest, on the internet or across our social media feeds that it can be hard to know right from wrong when it comes to being active. And now, new research has revealed the six popular gym myths that people still believe, thanks to the very conflicting information about ...
Critical to good health, and so easy to obtain, why are we still not consuming enough antioxidants? Naturally Good Health answers some key questions. There are so many different considerations to make when trying to stay in good health these days; are you eating your five a day? Did you drink enough water? Have you had enough essential fats? And ...
Take time out to balance your wellbeing by incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your everyday routine. With everything that’s going on in the world at the moment, it’s important to still take time out to relax and practice some self-care. If we’re not caring for ourselves first and foremost, we aren’t going to be much good to others, we’re unlikely ...
Gyms may be closed and the kids may be at home for the foreseeable, but that doesn’t need to mean you and the family have to be inactive. In fact, physical exercise is one of the best things you can do during these testing times, both for your mental and physical health. So if you are feeling like you’re stuck ...
The current climate is an anxious one for many, with the uncertainty from the Coronavirus pandemic that we find ourselves in. And managing that anxiety is important to help you relax, to sleep well and to stay healthy. The experts at BetterYou are reminding of the importance of magnesium, which is known to help decrease symptoms of anxiety, not to ...
If you are home schooling your children, keeping them entertained and active, while also stimulating their brains is a big job, but there are some creative tips to help. Education expert and former primary school teacher, Becky Cranham, of PlanBee, has some great ways to embed learning in fun activities, including: What’s cooking?: Baking provides a wealth of learning opportunities– and produces delicious results! Working through a simple ...
With the nation in self-isolation, and concern around Coronavirus, it’s never been more important to care for your health, and especially your immune system. Coronavirus, or to give its official name, COVID-19, is a key concern across the world, and the British Naturopathic Association has offered some important tips on how you can keep healthy and ensure your immune system ...
About Naturally Good Health
Naturally Good Health is Ireland's leading free natural health magazine. Pick it up from your local independent health store or read free online.