Leading trainer, Karl Henry, has urged thought leaders in Ireland to join the conversation around incorporating health and wellness into everyday life.
Real Health with Karl Henry is now Ireland’s number one health and fitness podcast, reaching over one million listeners in just over a year of launching, where Karl has shared some of the most inspirational pieces of advice from an eclectic line-up of speakers so far, including Leo Varadkar, Adam Clayton from U2, Michael O Muircheartaigh, Leinster rugby and many others.

“During the first year of Real Health podcast, we have had amazing advice from such a variety of walks of life, and some of the most useful information comes from the simplest tips,” Karl explained. “For example, Leo Varadkar actually came to do our podcast whilst in the middle of Brexit talks, and his advice on how he keeps healthy despite his incredibly busy schedule is, I think, a really valuable insight. He weighs himself once a week and trains three or four times – and I think this is inspirational as it shows how an incredibly busy person can fit this into this daily life, then there’s ways we can strive to do the same.”
But Karl says the aim is to double the listenership in the next year and so has called for more of Ireland’s inspirers to share their own personal take on health.
“On the wish list next is Katie Taylor,” Karl commented. “We’d love to have her on the show in the next year- and if you’d like to hear from someone in particular make sure to send your suggestions to me on Twitter and Instagram @karlhenryPT.
About Naturally Good Health
Naturally Good Health is Ireland's leading free natural health magazine. Pick it up from your local independent health store or read free online.