A revolutionary new app has been launched to help you track your food to ascertain the health of your gut microbiome.
Atlas has been created to help people better understand their food choices and promote dietary diversity, in which unique AI technology analyses how the food you eat influences your gut microbiome and helps to identify areas of your diet which could be improved. Users simply take photos of their meals in the app to receive personalised meal scores, weekly food goals and lifestyle recommendations, with the app making it clear to people exactly how diversity in their diet influences their microbiome, and provides expert guidance on making small steps to change their eating and lifestyle habits.
The synergy of AI technology and in-house algorithms, designed by a team of experts including certified nutritionists, bioinformaticians and clinicians, is said to make the Atlas food tracking system completely unique. It generates tailored meal scores for each user, which are integrated with their microbiome results, enabling them to observe how their diet affects their microbiome health and even certain disease risks. The Atlas app will be available for free to customers worldwide who have taken the Atlas Microbiome Test.
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